. Since that time, the media kids are exposed to have become increasingly social. For that reason, a focus on digital citizenship was important because social interactions and presentation of self are increasingly blurred by "online" and "offline" interactions. A learning disability is a neurological disorder that affects the brain’s ability to process and respond to information. The term 'learning disability' describes the unexplained difficulty of person in acquiring basic academic skills of learning, although the person may be of average or above average intelligence. A person with learning disabilities may not have any major sensory problems like blindness or hearing impairment and yet struggle to keep up with people of their age in functions of learning and regular daily activities. Chemical scientists in an academic community have the right to equal treatment and opportunity regardless of gender, race, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender expression and gender identity, physical disability, or any other factor not related to the position. This includes a workplace free of intimidation, coercion, exploitation, discrimination, and harassment, sexual or otherwise.
A safe laboratory working environment must always be maintained. This includes providing facilities, equipment, and formal instruction adequate for the anticipated operations within the laboratory as well as compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. Attention should be focused on the highest standards of laboratory practices as well as the personal responsibility of the individual laboratory worker.
Honesty, integrity, and fair and collegial professional conduct are expected. All students and faculty are expected to adhere to the highest standards of expectations and policies regarding intellectual property, plagiarism, and group work.
In order to meet scientific communication and professional expectations, all faculty and students studying or working in the Phillipines should develop spoken and written English language skills.
Compensation and benefits should be commensurate with the position in the professional community.
Professional development for all chemical scientists should be supported. Working in any area of chemical science implies a life-long commitment to learning.
Chemical scientists have a professional responsibility to serve the public interest and welfare and to further public understanding of science. Chemical scientists should take personal responsibility to:
- Maintain high standards of honesty, integrity, and diligence in the conduct of education, research, and all other professional duties.
- Be concerned with the health and safety of co-workers, consumers, and the community. The expertise of a chemical scientist is required in matters of public health and safety.
- Provide considered comment to the public at large on matters involving chemistry. Chemical scientists are in the best position to decipher and communicate complex matters of chemistry for the general public.
- Honor commitments made in the context of fulfilling professional duties, whether to students, colleagues or employer.
- Establish and maintain lines of communication throughout the academic and professional communities.
- Generate opportunities for appropriate educational and research collaborations.
Leadership is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who chose to follow. Sometimes the relationship is one-to-one. Sometimes it’s one-to-many. But regardless of whether the number is one or one thousand, leadership is a relationship.
We’ve been conducting research on this relationship for over two decades. We’ve asked people to tell us what they look for and admire in a leader, someone whose direction they would willingly follow. We’ve asked this question in every type of organization. We’ve asked it of men and women, young and old, and individual contributors and executives. We’ve asked it around the world. You might expect we’d get a different set of responses over a twenty-plus year period.
What’s been most striking is that we don’t get a different answer. People keep sending the same message. They want leaders who are honest, forward-looking, competent and inspiring. What this adds up to is personal credibility. Credibility is still the foundation of leadership.
People want to have faith and confidence in their leaders. They want to believe that a leader’s word can be trusted, that a leader is personally excited and enthusiastic about the direction in which we are headed, and that a leader has the knowledge and skill to lead. If people don’t believe in the messenger, they won’t believe the message.
But somewhere along the way to the New Millennium notions of ethics, morality, honesty, character and personal discipline came to be viewed as quaint — at least by those from the me-first, free agent school of corporate strategy. People got sucked into the idea that leadership was all about extrinsic rewards, and they started offering very creative ways to attract talent to the good life.
"In five years I hope to be working with an employer in an increasingly responsible position, that enables me to utilize my talents and work closely with my colleagues in solving important problems. I see myself taking on new and exciting challenges in an enjoyable environment and hopefully this will be with your company."
"I sometimes have difficulty choosing between two equally good ideas." or "I used to have difficulty saying 'no' to people until I learned to better set priorities."
ALPHABET FOR ACTION A-Affirm that you CAN B-Believe you can achieve your heart’s desire C-Commit yourself to a program of un-conditioning D-Dare to try E-Educate yourself. F-Find the possibilities G-Grow, don’t stand still H-Hope is holding on expectantly- there is something good around the corner I-Insight in productive planning J-Junk in the mind ? Remove the negative K-Knock our depression L-Laugh, keep your sense of humour M-Methodical practice N-Negotiate, be willing to start smaller, then increase O-Overlook and overcome. Look over the blocked walls you can’t see through P-Persevere - tough times don’t last and there is always progress Q-Quit complaining that life isn’t nice R-Rationalize and Reorganize S-Share you achievements T- “Tee-off” for action U- Unlock your human values, let them out V-View your goals and ambitions, never loose sight of them W-Work, success is spelt w-o-r-k X-X-Ray your ‘impossibilities’ and your deepest motives Y-Yield yourself, you would have to do this to follow through from - A-Z Z-Zealous for Living - ‘Life be in it’
CREATIVE THINKING-So many of us are involved in the challenge of 'getting out of a rut' with our thinking, habits, and sometimes just daily living, with setbacks ! 'In a rut' is the state of finding a brick wall in a maze ! Retracing your steps only to take the same path again It happens because you believe your options are limited to what has worked for you in the past, or because you feel you have no alternative. Afraid of uncertainty, tension, you try and try again to apply the old solutions to new situations and end up frustrated, or at least dissatisfied with the results!
-Habits can keep you 'in a rut'. Breaking habitual ways of thinking gets us unstuck !!! PEOPLE THAT NEVER CHANGE THEIR THINKING NEVER CORRECT MISTAKES !
- Creative thinking is a process which helps. It allows you to tap into your own resources. In short, to play with possibilities without judgement! You can always discard the impractical and unworkable, but without more information you could easy fall back into the old patterns.
- FIRST: State your problem as simply as possible - "What can I do? How can I?" SECOND: Let go the need to come up with the right answer or the logical, the easiest. THIRD: Use an effective method for getting yourself relaxed - some breathing exercises, a short walk around the garden, the thought of a calm clear lake, or the sea, vigorous exercise ? FOURTH: Tape record or write down every suggestion or answer that comes into your head. Doing this with a friend will allow you to speak freely. DO NOT JUDGE ANY SUGGESTION. Do not reject any idea for being silly, wrong, impractical, too expensive, whatever... FIFTH: Continue throwing in ideas as you can for a limited period of time (5-10 mins). This will force you to think fast, and will help to eliminate evaluation. SIXTH: Put the material away.
-Let it rest. FINALLY: Go back after a few days and review your information with new eyes and an open mind. WHAT SURPRISES YOU? WHAT DELIGHTS YOU? WHAT HITS YOU HARD? WHAT SUGGESTIONS CAN BE COMBINED? WHICH ONES ARE POSSIBLE? WHICH ONES ARE WORTH A TRY? Creative thinking is a good way of unmasking the hidden needs and ideas that need manifesting.
When we are anxious, tense, busy, working long or erratic hours, or just trying to stick to a tight budget, it's particularly tempting to overlook many of the basic rules of healthy eating and resort to 'easy to prepare' - 'quick to eat, convenience' foods. While there is nothing particularly harmful or unhealthy in eating this type of food occasionally, keep a check on how they are incorporated into your diet, and never rely on them to the exclusion of balanced diet.
Relying on any one food, whether convenience of fresh is likely to run the risk of some sort of dietary deficiency. Keep a check on the amount of 'snack' foods you eat. Single items such as an apple, chocolate bar, crispies, bowl of souf etc., are not really adequate substitutes for a meal, although they can play an important part in the overall well-balance diet for your health. Timing is an important element of healthy eating.
Make sure that you don't eat your last meal too late at night, especially if it's the main meal of the day. Eating a lot of food late in the evening can lead to sleeplessess. The best rule for your health is to use your own discretion, after all, being fastidious about the correct food can be as harmful as neglecting it altogether.
Although headaches are linked with tension, migraines are directly linked to certain foods you eat - in particular, chocolate, cheese, orange juice, wine, dairy produce - so you may need some detective work on your normal diet - also consult your doctor about the problem. Here was my final answer: to live consciously and courageously, to resonate with love and compassion, to awaken the great spirits within others, and to leave this world in peace.
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